About Rony
“I am an avid believer that everyone has a natural birthright to wed anyone they choose, under their own personal belief system, and confess their love to one another before the world in any manner. In turn, I believe that society has an obligation to accept every union, commitment, partnership, and marriage equally without prejudice or judgment.” ~ Rony

About Rony
About the designer, I have been in the jewelry industry for over 35 years and a gay man all my life. The one thing I can honestly say is I know both worlds very well and know how to combine the two perfectly. My husband and I have been together 30 years, and have been wearing rings I created most of that time. Over the years I have enjoyed making rings for friends and family just as much as I have enjoyed teaching them about the dazzling world of diamonds or the trendy world of fashion. When my passion for fashion and my desire to design fine jewelry finally got the better of me, I decided it was time for me to design my own jewelry line. Like everything else I strive for, I wanted my jewelry to be something special and unique. While my brand was a product of times prior to marriage equality, I always felt an obligation to my peers and couples who would like to tie the knot, to design a line that is relevant to them yet speaks to who I am as a person and what I believe inside to be a natural right. My line comes from who I am and the things I wish human beings feel toward one another: beauty, tolerance, diversity, and above all pride. I believe that rings are such an intimate part of any relationship. They represent a commitment two people (of any sex) are making towards one another for good times and bad. I find great pride and joy in designing rings for couples. It is exciting to think they will be wearing these symbols of love as long as they live. In a way, I am a part of that harmony they call love. I get excited every time a couple chooses to embark on their journey of love with rings I created. We are all unique individuals born with the same human rights. Whether gay, straight, bi, trans, or any other staple in society, we all have a right to express our love and live in peace. Be proud of who you are. I am.

To create inspiring jewelry that ANYONE would want to wear to make them feel special, confident, proud, and unique, and which will help them express their love before the world.
Gold is one of the most valuable, recyclable resources on earth. It is our responsibility to choose an eco-friendly means by which to attain it. We offer most our jewelry made from what we call EcoGold. The key to our EcoGold is to use and recycle gold from the Earth’s existing metal supply. WE DO NOT PURCHASE any of our gold from mining companies. 30 tons of mine waste is generated for every ounce of open pit gold that is manufactured.
EcoGold is .9999 pure fine gold mixed from existing metal supplies with eco-friendly alloys. Our EcoGold promotes both moral and social responsibility, offering a more earth-friendly means by which we can still enjoy the luxury of adorning ourselves with this precious metal. By making use of Earth’s existing metal supply, we can continue to make a difference day by day preserving the earth’s natural resources and protecting both wildlife and human rights.
We feel GREAT about our EcoGold and so should you!
Made in U.S.A
Over the past two decades we have seen a decline in manufacturing in the US. As off shore labor has taken over a good portion of most industries, the jewelry industry has been hurt very badly. Majority of product today is made either in China or India.
At Rony Tennenbaum we wanted to change that philosophy. We believe jobs should be brought back where they belong in the USA. We are committed to manufacturing most of our gold products within United States borders and keep the jobs here. We are very proud to be the beginning side of a trend that will help turn our economy to where it belongs and put the United States back on its feet.
Seal of Tolerance
The jewelry industry has been a way of life for me for over two decades. As a person from the inside, I can honestly say jewelers fight everyday to educate people's prejudices and assumptions on ethics, whether it be political issues such as diamond mining or environmental issues as gold mining.
Being a designer who specializes in the LGBT environment increases the levels of scrutiny beyond environment and ethics. I believe through education the world will learn tolerance.
My "Rainbow Diamond" symbol is an authentic Rony Tennenbaum Seal of Tolerance and Acceptance. I am a strong believer that we are all born equal and society needs to learn a higher level of tolerance of those they may not understand or agree with. There are so many different ways of life and cultures on Earth and as long as someone's preferences and beliefs are not hurting another in any way, everyone has a right to live their life in peace, harmony and acceptance as anyone else. It is called Humanity.
This Seal of Tolerance and Acceptance guarantees that behind every piece of jewelry I create, stands a commitment to raise awareness and understanding.
My commitment to you...